The Ornament of Clear Realization
By Maitreyanatha
The Root Text
In Sanskrit: Abhisamayalankara-prajnaparamita-upadesha-shastra In Tibetan: She rab kyi pa rol tu chin pay men ngag gi den cho ngon bar dog bay gyen che cha wa
I bow down to all Buddhas and bodhisattvas.
She is the one who - through the all-knowledge - guides the hearers who search for peace to utter peace.
She is the one who - through the knowledge of the path - enables those who promote the benefit of beings to accomplish the welfare of the world.
Since they are perfectly endowed with Her, the Sages proclaim this variety endowed with all aspects.
I bow down to Her - the Mother of the Buddhas as well as the assemblies of hearers and bodhisattvas. [1]
The path of the knowledge of all aspects
Is what the teacher explained here.
What is not experienced by others,
And has the character of the ten dharma activities - [2]
The meaning of the sutras -is placed within one's mindfulness.
Then those with intelligent insight wilI see.
Therefore, "realization in a convenient way"
Is the purpose of this composition. [3]
The perfection of knowledge
Is perfectly explained through the eight topics,
The knowledge of all aspects, the knowledge of the path,
Then the all knowledge, [4] .........................................................이하 생략 / 다음 부분 부터는 아래의 화일을 다운 받으셔서 보셔요.
티벳어 폰트_Tibetan Machine Font (0) | 2011.12.16 |
티벳어 폰트_Sambhota (0) | 2011.12.15 |
'Lectures on Tibetan Religious Culture'의 한글 번역 본 (0) | 2011.12.14 |
현관장엄론(Abhisamayalankara)에 대한 위키백과 사전의 개요 (0) | 2011.12.14 |
칼라차크라 입체 만달라 사진 & 동영상 (0) | 2011.12.14 |
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