일상, 취미, 시사..../다반사, 정보, 시사
Dairy on 20 Dec. 09: settling in D/sala
2009. 12. 21. 07:18
Yesterday(15/12/09), I had information that my parcel are arrived in D/sala. So I went to the main post office early in the morning and I took my parcels. I sent 6 boxes, but only 3 of them are arrived. I think, they are delayed because of the customs. On the way to the post office I met one of my old Tibetan friends Sonam. He was a translator(Tibetan into English) of the Buddhist Philosophy class in the library. Now he works in the department of education in Tibetan government. He told me that 'Geshe Dawa'(Tibetan monk who used to teach 10 AM class and my friend was a translator of that class) was appointed as a principal of the Dalai Lama temple and he was shifted to the department of education. When I was in the library I used to attend Geshe Dawa's class and sometimes he taught me a lot in private. And once I help him much when he visited Korea. Now, I heard that he in south India, Moodgot.
Today(18/12/09), I finally got the rest of the parcels. They opened them for checking and some of my things are missing. I think a customs officer took away my things. The most important that is missing is the tea. I like that tea best, and I used to drink when I was in Korea. and Korean chopsticks and spoons are also gone.
And I bought a refrigerator today. My kitchen is little bit small so I bought medium size and placed it on the table. It makes some noise when it works. I can hear a sounds even in my room. Yes... it's made in India. I was trying to buy LG or Samsung but the medium size which is to my liking was not available. And the shopkeeper recognizes me and remembers that I had bought a refrigerator 13 years ago from his shop. It's really small village.....
I'll go to upper D/sala tomorrow and visit a book shop for finding a book for Karen.
After I came back to D/sala I couldn't have a time to take a picture. I can't carry my camera with me. Because whenever I'm going out I'm going to the market to buy things and coming back with full bag and carrying something by hand.